A Look Back | February 2025
A LOOK BACK We said goodbye to an outgoing pastor and welcomed an interim pastor. The year brought five new members to our church. We have regular visitors and an attendance averaging 42. Bible study is an important part of Oak Grove’s ministry with an average attendance of 12 (20 different people attend). An active prayer ministry has seen many through some difficult times, mainly health concerns. Also, the ladies have provided gift bags to our shut-ins and an active list of health concerns is maintained. Many members have contributed generously to Feed My Sheep, a local Methodist food pantry. An “Owl Tree,” a.k.a. Angel Tree helped many children enjoy Christmas through toy and clothes contributions. Christmas decorating is always fun at Oak Grove; wreaths, candles, red window swags, Christmons for the tree and much more were added for a warm welcoming feel to our Christmas Eve Candlelight service. A Victorian theme featured a few top hats, tails and long beautiful dresses. 84 were in attendance. Oak Grove men met monthly and the Needle and Craft was always busy with their projects. We added a new church directory format: updated weekly. If you can get the APP on your phone,…
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