Featured image for “A Look Back | February 2025”

A Look Back | February 2025

A LOOK BACK We said goodbye to an outgoing pastor and welcomed an interim pastor.  The year brought five new members to our church. We have regular visitors and an attendance averaging 42. Bible study is an important part of Oak Grove’s ministry with an average attendance of 12 (20 different people attend). An active prayer ministry has seen many through some difficult times, mainly health concerns.  Also, the ladies have provided gift bags to our shut-ins and an active list of health concerns is maintained. Many members have contributed generously to Feed My Sheep, a local Methodist food pantry. An “Owl Tree,” a.k.a. Angel Tree helped many children enjoy Christmas through toy and clothes contributions. Christmas decorating is always fun at Oak Grove; wreaths, candles, red window swags, Christmons for the tree and much more were added for a warm welcoming feel to our Christmas Eve Candlelight service. A Victorian theme featured a few top hats, tails and long beautiful dresses. 84 were in attendance. Oak Grove men met monthly and the Needle and Craft was always busy with their projects.  We added a new church directory format: updated weekly. If you can get the APP on your phone,…
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Featured image for “Notes From Our Pastor | December 2024”

Notes From Our Pastor | December 2024

Halloween decorations went up for some in September. Christmas decorations in stores began around Halloween. The people who come and hang lights for people at Christmas are all over my neighborhood. I love It all. However, I refuse to forget Thanksgiving. I am trying to focus on being thankful as I write this instead of the chaos that surrounds Christmas. However, Christmas dominates holidays. It is the one we focus on the most. I read an article the other day about a family that had immigrated to America and were of a non-Christian religion. They decided Christmas was a very American thing to do so they taught their children about the gifts, parties, and idea of Santa Claus. It was not a religious holiday for them but just a secular celebration. We have made Christmas secular chaotic. Janie and I were in Bethlehem a couple weeks after Christmas ten years ago. The decorations around the nativity were still up. It was serene. There is a peace that surrounds the church of the Nativity. The shepherd’sfield isjust a stones’ throw from the church. They were out watching their flocks. It probably was cold; it does get cold in Jerusalem this time…
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Featured image for “Notes From Our Pastor | November 2024”

Notes From Our Pastor | November 2024

I accepted the role of pastor on a temporary basis. I was tagged with interim pastor by the conference as well as myself. The goal was to do this for 3 months and then see how it was going. Threemonths are well passed and it is time to remove the interim idea. It looks like we are stuck together. I no longer see myself asinterim pastor but Senior Pastor which refers more to my age thanmy position. We have some details to work out, but I see us doingthat after the first of the year. I have communicated with the conference [Mid-TexasConference] that I am willing to surrender the position when the right person comes along. It has to be right for that person and the people of Oak Grove. There will be more people available as time goes on but there is nothing just right for this great church at this time. It puts us in a great position. I don’t need to be reappointed to another place, so they don’t have to find a place for me. That means there is only one place to fill which makes it much, mucheasier. It is also a great position to…
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Featured image for “So the World Will Know… Join Us for a 40-Day Season of Prayer and Fasting”

So the World Will Know… Join Us for a 40-Day Season of Prayer and Fasting

The Prayer Committee of the Transitional Commission on Convening General Conference (TCCGC) invites you to join a special 40-day season of prayer and fasting, running from August 7 to September 15, 2024. This dedicated time of spiritual preparation will lead up to our historic Convening General Conference.…
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Featured image for “July 1, 2024 | Message From Rev. Brad Humphrey”

July 1, 2024 | Message From Rev. Brad Humphrey

We are blessed to be a part of church that has met under the oaks for 140 years.  Oak Grove has survived many things in its past and has the opportunity to be its best self in the future.  Join with me in fulfilling God’s call to be his people in this place.…
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Featured image for “May 29, 2024 | Greetings from Interim Pastor Rev. Brad Humphrey”

May 29, 2024 | Greetings from Interim Pastor Rev. Brad Humphrey

It is a new season at Oak Grove Church. It is like the Texas weather, you know it is a new season but you are not sure what it will be like. It could be really hot, really cold or just right. It could flood, be in a drought or be just right to water the fields and lawns. Whatever the day brings we need to celebrate and see what God has in store. Each day is a new opportunity to see God at work no matter what the season brings. I hope you are aware that Rev. Kevin McClain is leaving Oak Grove after the service on June 2nd. We will be taking a love offering on June 2 to give you an opportunity to say thanks. Be prepared as God leads you. I have just received word, that I have been appointed to serve as interim pastor beginning June 3rd. We do not know how long this “season” will be but rest assured nothing will hamper Oak Grove Church continuing to be the great little church it has been for 144 years. I have been with you for five years serving as consultant, building improvement engineer,Sunday School teacher…
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