I accepted the role of pastor on a temporary basis. I was tagged with interim pastor by the conference as well as myself. The goal was to do this for 3 months and then see how it was going. Threemonths are well passed and it is time to remove the interim idea.
It looks like we are stuck together. I no longer see myself asinterim pastor but Senior Pastor which refers more to my age thanmy position. We have some details to work out, but I see us doingthat after the first of the year.
I have communicated with the conference [Mid-TexasConference] that I am willing to surrender the position when the right person comes along. It has to be right for that person and the people of Oak Grove. There will be more people available as time goes on but there is nothing just right for this great church at this time. It puts us in a great position. I don’t need to be reappointed to another place, so they don’t have to find a place for me. That means there is only one place to fill which makes it much, much
easier. It is also a great position to be in when we are not in a hurry. We can wait for the right person.
So how long will I be here? Only God knows and He has not shared that information with me. We simply need to spend our time continuing to be a great, great church. We are growing spiritually and numerically. We have prayer teams, care teams, women’s groups, a men’s group, and a growing Sunday School class. Worship attendance is up and we are meeting our budget. Sarena Michaels, our secretary, is tremendous. Our leadership is committed. Our people are loving. People visit us and feel welcomed. I always attempt to share the gospel and speak of the love the God has for us. What more can we want?
So “we press on toward the goal”. I am glad to be here. It has been my place of worship for 6 years now long before I was a Senior Pastor; I was just a senior.
Your Pastor
Brad Humphrey